Green Destiny

“I took the name Green Destiny from—well there is such a sword called Green Destiny. It is green because you keep twisting it, it’s an ancient skill, you keep twisting it and knocking it and twisting it until it is very elastic and light.”

Ang Lee.

green palaces

“In such green palaces the first kings reign’d,
Slept in their shades, and angels entertain’d;
With such old counsellors they did advise,
And by frequenting sacred groves grew wise.”

Edmund Waller.

the green grass above me

“Be the green grass above me, with showers and dewdrops wet;
and if thou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt, forget.”

Christina Rossetti.

Green River

“Shoo fly, dragonfly, get back t’ your mother,
Pick up a flat rock, skip it across Green River.”

John Fogerty (Creedence Clearwater Revival), Green River 1969.

Pink champagne

“Pink champagne that left me feeling blue.”

Joe Liggins and the Honeydrippers, Pink Champagne, 1950.

pink champagne on ice

“Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said we are all just prisoners here, of our own device.”

Don Felder, Don Henley & Glenn Frey, Hotel California, 1976.

the new ____

“Colors are slated to be somber and muted, say most of the designers who previewed their collections for Fashion83. For example, Ferre says gray is the new black.” (Los Angeles Times, Mar. 4, 1983)

“There is a tremendous range to the color brown,” says [textile and color specialist Elaine] Flowers, who expects brown to look updated because of the way it is paired with other colors, and used in varied textures. “It is the new black.” (Washington Post, Mar. 15, 1984)

“Navy is the new black in Paris; in London and Milan, brown is the preferred alternative.” (Washington Post, Apr. 3, 1984)

“We’re very strongly navy for the season,” he [sc. merchandising agent Joseph Martinez] said. “Navy is the new black.” (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 26, 1984)

“Colors are the new neutrals. Find a color you like and wear it with everything.” (New York Times, Sep. 16, 1979)

“Pearl gray is the new neutral, navy and black are everywhere, alone or with anything.” (Chicago Tribune, Nov. 12, 1979)

“Lila Schneider, another New York designer, said, “Pink is the new neutral — a change from the stark white of the last few years.’” (Chicago Tribune, Oct. 19, 1980)

“No one knew how to interpret all this color experimentation until one New York observer finally blurted: ‘It looks like red is the new neutral.’” (Toronto Globe & Mail, Nov. 24, 1981)

from a discussion of the phrase “____ is the new black” at Wikipedia.

the best color choice for the competitive player

“Orange, it seems, may be the best color choice for the competitive player. Though rare in golf apparel and only the seventh most popular color among American consumers, orange is jovial, warm, energetic, forceful, and has a subjective impression of exuberance. It is associated with fruitfulness, adventure, vigor and wholesomeness, plenty of which exists in golf and on the PGA TOUR.”

Michael Patrick Shiels. Found at

the navy blue of India

A designer tells of the time he showed Mrs. Vreeland a swatch of bright pink silk of Eastern influence.

“I ADORE that pink!” she exclaimed. “It’s the navy blue of India.”

Diana Vreeland, Dynamic Fashion Figure, Joins Vogue, New York Times, Mar. 28, 1962, p. 30.

Wish on everything

“Wish on everything. Pink cars are good, especially old ones. And stars of course, first stars and shooting stars. Planes will do if they are the first light in the sky and look like stars. Wish in tunnels, holding your breath and lifting your feet off the ground. Birthday candles. Baby teeth.”

Francesca Lia Block.

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