Bowl of red.

A bowl of chili con carne, so called for its deep red color.

Diner Slang,, 2007.

Splash of red noise.

A bowl of tomato soup.

Diner Slang,, 2007.

the dead-gray monotony of existence

“All at once I felt almost happy. For the first time in a long time, life seemed really interesting. There was a rift—and a widening one—in the dead-gray monotony of existence.”

Jim Thompson, The Nothing Man, 1954.

sound absorber

It’s a sound absorber, an artistic acoustic panel for the wall of your studio, office or home. Paul Dean, 2007, red felt, 23″x23″. I don’t know if it’s art or if it’s product design. If it’s art, then I need to give it a title. If it’s product design, then I guess I’m done!

the green eyes

“[S]he was laughing. Her head was thrown back and the green eyes were crinkled and flashing, and that topside I’d mentioned was trembling and shivering. She was laughing all over. I could almost see the naked, rippling flesh, feel it shivering against mine, while the green eyes looked up into mine.”

Jim Thompson, The Nothing Man, 1954.

new writing systems

Often without knowing their meaning, other cultures borrowed and altered Egyptian hieroglyphs to create new writing systems. Almost half of the characters of a writing that we call Protosinaitic came from hieroglyphs. The first true alphabet was probably invented by Egyptian scribes in the military, although there is a theory that Semitic copper-mining slaves created an alphabet as a code to help synchronize their escape.

An alphabet is a distinct form of writing which is not pictographic or logographic, it is purely “uniliteral.” Every character represents a number of phonetic variations, and the total number of characters is limited to somewhere between 20 and 27 marks. It is a supremely practical and adaptable system. Just as paper was only invented once, in China, and then gradually spread throughout the world, it is thought that this first alphabet has led, through imitation, to all the subsequent alphabets in the world.

There was never a country called Phoenicia, the Phoenicians were, rather, sailors and traders who lived in independent cities on the shores of the Mediterranean, sharing a culture and a language. The Phoenicians borrowed a few letters from the Protosinaitic alphabet, probably oblivious to their original meaning, to create the Phoenician writing system. Other cultures, in turn, borrowed from the Phoenician alphabet which was to be found throughout Mediterranean world.

The most significant of these was the Greek or Hellenic alphabet, the oldest alphabet still in use, as any visitor to modern Greece knows. The Greek alphabet was a parent to several other writing systems, most notably the Cyrillic alphabet that is still in use among several Slavic cultures, and the Latin or Roman alphabet which is currently in use in most of Europe and the Americas.

As Madge said in the old Palmolive commercial, “You’re soaking in it.”

Paul Dean, Letterforms, 2007.
Don’t think I didn’t do my research for the above quote. Click here for a nostalgic treat. Well, it’s nostalgic for me, but my first words, according to my parents, were “was brought to you by.”. . .

she could hardly cast a shadow

“[S]he was still so shaky that she could hardly cast a shadow.”

Jim Thompson, A Hell of a Woman, 1954.

a dime-store diamond

“It was about as genuine as a dime-store diamond.”

Jim Thompson, A Hell of a Woman, 1954.

Egyptian hieroglyphics


In the Nile valley, writing evolved from simple pictographs into the striking Egyptian hieroglyphics that are immediately recognizable, even today. Some of the characters serve as pictographs, but others serve as phonetic indicators of a particular sound, in exactly the same way that rebus writing indicates a sound by way of a picture. The same character can serve both functions; the specific meaning is determined by the preceding character, known as the determinant.

Egyptian hieroglyphics were intentionally difficult to read; combining the power inherent in writing and secrecy, the Egyptian priests created an intentionally cryptic written language. So complex was the code behind the characters that it was not until 1822 that they were finally interepreted, when Jean-Francois Champollion translated the Rosetta Stone, a massive stone tablet discovered by the French in the Egyptian harbor of Rosetta in 1799. There are three types of writing on the Rosetta Stone: Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and Demotic, a descendant of Egyptian hieratic writing. Able to translate the Greek, Champollion guessed that perhaps the text was the same for the other scripts, and he was correct.

Hieratic writing evolved as a streamlined variation of heiroglyphics, and was useful for everyday purposes. It became even more popular with the invention and subsequent popularity of ink and papyrus. Papyrus is an aquatic reed which can be harvested, sliced, soaked, woven and then mashed and dried. The result is a yellowish paper-like material, originally used in building houses, much like Tyvek is today, which was discovered to be an excellent material for writing with a brush and ink.

Papyrus has a few disadvantages when compared with paper, which was apparently only invented once, in ancient China, and had yet to reach the western world. Made of organic material, a plant, papyrus decays over time. And it breaks when it is folded, which is why it is traditionally rolled onto itself and then handled and stored as scrolls.

The importance of writing in the Egyptian religion of the time is difficult to overstate. Written language was regarded as the work of the gods, as this excerpt from The Egyptian Book of the Dead attests:

“Thoth speaks:

The ibis and the ink pot—these are blessed. For as the ibis pecks along the bank for a bit of food, so the scribe searches among his thoughts for some truth to tell. All the work is his to speak, its secrets writ down in his heart from the beginning of time, the gods’ words rising upward through his dark belly, seeking light at the edge of his throat. We are made of god stuff, the explosion of stars, particles of light, molded in the presence of gods. The gods are with us.”*

Paul Dean, Letterforms, 2007

*Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead, translated by Normandi Ellis, 1988.

She knew the oranges

“She knew the oranges. She knew all such gimmicks, though never before had she been the victim of any. The oranges was an item from the dummy-chuckers’ workbag, a frammis of the professional accident fakers.

Beaten with the fruit, a person sustained bruises far out of proportion to his actual injuries. He looked badly hurt when he was hardly hurt at all.”

Jim Thompson, The Grifters, 1963.

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