A blue lizard

“‘He’s a good chap in his way. Serious. Not one of those noisy bastards at the Continental. A quiet American,’ I summed him precisely up, as I might have said, ‘A blue lizard,’ ‘A white elephant.’”

—Graham Greene, The Quiet American, 1955.

gray-green eyes

“I am always amazed by what lies buried in the mind until one day for no particular reason it rises up and makes itself known. That night in bed, a vision of Elizabeth’s face entered my consciousness, and I saw clearly that she had gray-green eyes. It was a  small fact I hadn’t realized I knew.”

—Steve Martin, The Pleasure of My Company, 2003.

The Peace Symbol Turns Fifty


“It was fifty years ago today,” according to the author of The Peace Symbol Turns Fifty. I found more on the famous “nuclear disarmament” mark at Wikipedia (just scroll down a bit), and that’s where I learned this:
    “In Unicode, the peace symbol is U+262E: , and can thus be generated in HTML by typing ☮ or ☮. However, many browsers will not have a font that can display it.”

a history of TV test patterns


As if a history of TV test patterns won’t be interesting enough, I am also hereby posting a link to TV-SIGNOFFS.COM, a growing online archive of American television sign-off and sign-on snippets. A labor of love, it is not be missed! I particularly enjoyed the Raleigh-Durham, NC Area Sign-offs & Sign-ons, probably because that’s where I grew up. But . . . they’re all good.

Bob the Builder

“According to an anonymous tipster from the Clinton campaign, Obama has
outright stolen his campaign slogan. The tipster said that the slogan, ‘Yes we can,’ was lifted directly from Bob the Builder, a British
construction worker who coined the phrase in 1999.”

Barack Obama campaign plagued with scandals, say anonymous tipsters at the Clinton campaign.

Wrong Font

Wrong Font Chosen For Gravestone. Via MB, Michael Bierut at DesignObserver. He’s a funny man, Michael Bierut is, as anyone who has seen Helvetica knows. A funny man, with an eye for the occasional funny font-related Photoshop collage. . . .

the wrong star

“‘I have found out everything. We have come to the wrong star. . . . That is what makes life at once so splendid and so strange.’”

—G.K. Chesterton, The Ballade of a Strange Town, from Tremendous Trifles, 1909.

Chip Kidd


“Working men of all countries, blog! And working women too, and
unemployed bastards, CNN journalists, and disgruntled students and
angry wives, and everyone else with a grudge, a bean to spill and a
story to tell. You have nothing to lose but your gags.”

—Erik Ringmar, from Guerrilla Bloggers and the Old Elite, a response to the recent sacking of Chez Pazienza by CNN, for having a blog.

Don Cherry in Bombay

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