sheet after sheet of silver paper
“The delicious scent of rose-leaves that issued from the wardrobe made the process of taking out sheet after sheet of silver paper quite pleasant to assist at, though the sight of the bonnet at last was anticlimax to Maggie, who would have preferred something more strikingly preternatural.”
—George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss, 1860.
a very nice heaven
“There was nothing to mar her delight in the whispers and the dreamy silences when she listened to the light dipping sounds of the rising fish and the gentle rustling, as if the willows and the reeds and the water had their happy whisperings also. Maggie thought it would make a very nice heaven to sit by the pool in that way and never be scolded. She never knew she had a bite till Tom told her, but she liked fishing very much.”
—George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss, 1860.