There is always something wrong with redheads

“There is always something wrong with redheads. The hair is kinky, or it’s the wrong color, too dark and tough, or too pale and sickly. And the skin—it rejects the elements: wind, sun, everything discolors it. A really beautiful redhead is rarer than a flawless forty-carat pigeon-blood ruby—or a flawed one for that matter. But none of this was true of Kate. Her hair was like a winter sunset, lighted with the last of the pale afterglow.”

—Truman Capote, “Unspoiled Monsters”, Answered Prayers, 1987.

Prop 8 – The Musical

the green glow of the alarm’s digital spears

“Though there was an episode, too unbeveled to have been a dream, in which one wee-houred morning, late last year, Bonnie and I both half-awoke. In sync. In this bed. Half-awoke, sat up, and looked at each other’s thick outlines in the green glow of the alarm’s digital spears; we looked at each other, first with recognition, then a synchronized shock: looked shocked at these each others and shouted, in unison, ‘WHAT?’ and fell on our pillows and back to a puffy sleep. Compared notes at breakfast and both came away shaken.”

—David Foster Wallace, ‘Say Never’, Girl With Curious Hair, 1989.

The sky is an eye

“The sky is an eye.
    The dusk and the dawn are the blood that feeds the eye.
    The night is the eye’s drawn lid.
    Each day the lid again comes open, disclosing blood, and the blue iris of a prone giant.”

—David Foster Wallace, “Church Not Made With Hands”, Brief Encounters With Hideous Men, 1999.

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