pink toe(s)

“A light-skinned African-American woman, a white girl. 1930–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.

purple haze

“The drug LSD. 1967–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.

purple heart

“A tablet of the stimulant Drinamyl, an amphetamine. 1961–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.


“A capsule of the barbituates Amytral and Seconal, of which one end is blue and the other red. 1970–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.


“An anarchist or republican; a Russian Bolshevik, a communist or extreme socialist. . . . 1851–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.

red ball

“A fast goods train or lorry; priority freight. 1927–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.

red cent

“A cent; an insignificant amount of money (in negative expressions). 1839–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.


“1. Rough, strong whisky. 1819–. . . . 2. Tomato ketchup. 1927–. 3. As adjective applied to aeroplane flights on which passengers are unable to get enough sleep because of differences in time-zones between the place of departure and arrival, etc. 1968–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.


“1. Sexy, passionate; lively. 1887–. . . . 3. A frankfurter or hot dog. 1892–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.

red-hot momma

“1. An earthy woman jazz-singer. 1926–. 2. A female lover or girlfriend. 1936–.”

Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, second edition, 2008.

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