A Chorale* of Cherokee Night Music As Heard through an Open Window In Summer Long Ago


* screech owl / hoot owl / yellow-breasted chat / jar-fly / cricket /
carolina chickadee / katydid / crow / wolf / Beatles / turkey / goose /
bullfrog / spring frog

—Jonathan Williams, from Blues Roots & Rue Bluets; A Garland for the Southern Appalachians, 1985.

One thought on “A Chorale* of Cherokee Night Music As Heard through an Open Window In Summer Long Ago

  1. Stephanie Clark

    happy new year paul dean! this website has you written all over it so bad that you have probably already discovered it. but in case you haven’t, http://www.thedecoderring.com. see ya monday (i am both excited and depressed about it).
    -stephanie clark
    p.s. love the garamond v. garamond

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