green cushions and beautiful carpets

“They [the righteous] shall repose on couches, the linings thereof shall be of thick silk interwoven with gold: and the fruit of the two gardens shall be near at hand to gather. . . .

Therein shall be damsels, refraining their eyes from beholding any besides their spouses: whom no man or Jinni shall have touched before them, . . .

Having complexions like rubies and pearls. . . .

And besides these there shall be two other gardens. . . .

Of a dark green color. . . .

In each of them shall be two fountains pouring forth plenty of water. . . .

In each of them shall be fruits, and palm trees, and pomegranates. . . .

Therein shall be agreeable and beauteous damsels. . . .

Having fine black eyes; and kept in pavilions from public view. . . .

Whom no man shall have touched before their destined spouses, nor any Jinni. . . .

Therein shall they delight themselves, lying on green cushions and beautiful carpets.”

—from The Koran, 7th century C.E. This is Paradise!

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