the four Coffins


“Velvet Palls, Hangings for Rooms, large Silver’d Candlesticks & Sconces, Tapers & Wax Lights, Heraldry, Feathers & Velvets, fine Cloth Cloaks. . . . Rich Silk Scarves, Allamode & Sarsnelt Hat Bands, Italian Crape by the Piece or Hatband, black & white Savours, Cloth Black or Grey, Bays & Flannel. . . . Burying Crapes of all Sorts, Fine Quilting & Quilted Matrices the best Lac’d, Plain & Shammy Gloves, Kidd & Lamb. . . . All Sorts of Plates & Handles for Coffins in Brass, Lead or Tin, likewise Nails of all Sorts. Coffins & Shrouds of All Sizes ready made.”

—from an elaborate engraved trade card for undertaker Robert Green, “at the four Coffins”, dated 1752. From London Tradesmen’s Cards of the XVIII Century; An Account of their Origin and Use by Ambrose Heal. First published in 1910, I ran into this Dover reprint from 1968 in a colleague’s office, and she graciously loaned it to me. Thank you Lynne!

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