The world’s largest book

The world’s largest book stands at the foot of Mandalay Hill in Mandalay, Burma. The text is carved and inscribed in gold, in the Burmese abugida script, into both sides of 730 stone tablets, for a total of 1460 “pages.” Each stone tablet stands under a white structure with its own roof with a precious gem on top, and these structures are arranged around a larger golden pagoda. The carefully edited text is the Tipitaka Pali canon of Theravada Buddhism. Construction on this enormous project began in 1860 and was completed in 1868. I visited it in 1986. It was a grey day and as I recall was no one at all on the grounds, tourist or local, as a friend and I explored it. It was run-down, but there were signs that someone was caring for it as best they could. As a graphic designer and a book lover I was impressed but saddened. It is an amazing structure, an astonishing thing, really, standing neglected in a dusty corner of the world.
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