An On-Line Color Thesaurus

There’s a new link to your left, a blog from HP Labs called, intriguingly, Mostly color perception.
It’s as intelligent and as technical as you might expect a blog from HP
Labs to be, but it’s not an advertisement and some interesting things
are happening there. Nathan Moroney, who holds both a Bachelors Degree
and a Masters Degree in Color Science, is, for instance, conducting an online Color Naming Experiment and a separate Color Name Comparison Experiment. Participation in the study is easy. With just a few clicks and keystrokes, by naming some color swatches at the first
experiment, and by comparing a few color terms at the second, anyone can contribute to it.
    So far there have been over 20,000 responses, and
the resulting database has been used to create An On-Line Color Thesaurus
which contains, according to Nathan Moroney, over 800 different color
names. If you like color terms like I like color terms, you won’t want
to miss it.

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