a quote book!

I’ve been working on my book, Color Quotes. I am working with InDesign, which I recommend to anyone who happens to be designing a book, and yesterday I put all 22 chapters together as one. The count is . . . drumroll, please, 425 pages!!!

All that’s left to create is a title page, a table of contents, some acknowledgements, and of course a colophon. (That’s the identification of the typefaces and some notes about the design and production of the book. It’s usually on a left-hand page at the bottom of the last page of the book, but I’ve seen them on a left-hand page near the beginning of the book too. I love colophons. My book’s got to have one.)

I haven’t even begun to think of a cover. In the industry, books and book covers are designed by competely different people, and now I know why. Each are completely different monumental design challenges. One is about reading, and one is about selling. I will not mind leaving the cover to someone else, but the idea here is to, basically, self-publish, as in print and bind, maybe with a hard cover and a bookmark ribbon, just a few copies of the book. When these fall on the desks of the publishers they will look so real that they won’t be able to resist. There’ll probably be a bidding war! Movie rights, for a quote book!

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