white as the whitest vanilla ice cream

“And there on the dummy in the center of the room was the phosphorescent, the miraculously white-fired ghost with the incredible lapels, the precise stitching, the neat buttonholes. Standing with the white illumination of the suit upon his cheeks, Martinez suddenly felt he was in church. White! White! It was white as the whitest vanilla ice cream, as the bottled milk in tenement halls at dawn. White as a winter cloud all alone in the moonlit sky late at night. . . . Shutting his eyes, he could see it printed on his lids. He knew what color his dreams would be this night.”

Ray Bradbury, from The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, 1958.

6 thoughts on “white as the whitest vanilla ice cream

  1. mama cass

    Hey Paul,
    I have been sending the link to the podcasts out to a LOT of folks.
    How do I transfer the podcast to I tunes? Inquiring minds want to know…

  2. djmisc

    Hey Pat, I felt I was lucky to get the podcasts working as they do. In other words, I can’t explain why they open in quicktime rather than iTunes . . . but I think perhaps you can save the file to your desktop and then move it into iTunes.
    No chance of playlists whatsoever, that’s WAAAY too much work, but I will try to identify a song by your description of it. Anytime you like!

  3. Dad-D-Oh

    Last week, faced with the same problem, Chloe used the process you describe (download to desktop etc.) to put a couple of your podcasts on your Mother’s new IPOD. Works fine. And now the new IPOD owner walks around her Poland Place Neighborhood with a happy smile on her face!

  4. mama cass

    oh, thanks! i’ll try that…
    and by the way, they are awesome, in case i forgot to mention…
    insert smiley icon here.

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