My Alien Radio Manifesto

Just for the heck of it, and let’s say as a writing exercise, I have transcribed the legible text, in roughly the order it falls, from the first half of a sprawling accordion-fold collage book I made almost seven years ago. It’s dated 10/7/00. (Seven years ago. This is a pre- 9/11 rant!)
A.R.:MANIFESTO (part 1)
A sense of reality: the evolution of mental pictures. Alien Radio. Future Shock. ARE WE READY? Practical Psychocybernetics. Heaven and Hell. For The New Age. Sense and Nonsense. Psychic Detectives. THIS IS IT. BELIEVE YOUR EYES! Defining Science Fiction. And other essays on Zen and spiritual experience. Diagram of eye movement in normal reading. From the Sufi. The Rolling Stones in Gimme Shelter. Back of eye. BrrRrraaNNG. COMMUNICATION / COMPUTATION / CONTROL. HOW THE DAISIES GO TO SLEEP. Form Constants and Ineffable Experiences. Psychology Made Simple. The sun is very large or very small. O starfall, once grasped from a bridge. UFOS AND HOW TO SEE THEM. Not to forget you. To stand! A match has a head but can’t think. Man feel alien in a world without meaning. Amazing Science. Dread News. Amazing Truth Publications. FREE CATALOG. 1800 THINGS YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED. One millionth copy edition. The Sacred Mushroom. Know The Door Of Eternity. A she-cat’s prowl through the jungle of self. Destiny is tapping you on the shoulder. Microcosm. SCRIPT & SEAL. What is time? Five elements welded together to form one unit. WONDERLAND. Thermostatic control. A stereo dimension. Temperature control knob. SOME WILL BELIEVE—OTHERS WILL NOT. Much of the styling of a consumer object is simply sales promotion. THIS IS TODAY. International Radio. Produced with official NASA voice tapes and photographs. There are numerous interlinear decorations on all the plates in this section. The Subliminal Kid. A CELESTIAL ALPHABET EVENT. Magnified structure of malleable iron showing nodual carbon. Magnified structure of pearlitic malleable iron. NOW! ALL THE CRAP IN THE WORLD. AS SEEN ON TV! Rush of air. Fluttering. High pitch. A. R. Jet Set. Fig. 16. The general arrangement of the cerebrospinal nervous system. Fig. 10.20 Parabolic reflector. Marriage of the Sun and Moon. Mandala: two basic types, schematized. The Life And Death Of Stars. The most noticeable characteristic of consciousness is that it is continually changing. MAIN DECK. The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun. Close Encounters. Interstellar Overdrive. ILLUSION OR REALITY? The dot may be located as convenient. Diagram of three synapses. WHAT IS THE FUTURE? A trick you can play with a book. What is this? The Nile Song. Cosmic Trigger. Need the truth? WAS GOD AN ASTRONAUT? Why we find a seashell on the top of a mountain. The most exciting cult experience of all time! Rainbows of bursting color. Equivocal figures. Depth in space. Pulsating lights. Lenticular clouds. NOTICE! The Effect Of Continuity On Perception. The Stroboscopic Ballet. No poetry before ours. Completely revised. Proof of purchase. Mail this coupon. Finally finally finally. The miracle is on the inside! POETRY BEING BORN. The ‘sound’ of scents. New and exciting futuristic space age toys. Cut here. Trouble Funk. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Your own private sun. DO NOT OPERATE LAMP TOO CLOSELY TO SKIN. THE MOTHERSHIP CONNECTION. There was more. Slit-scan Stargate Corridor from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. ‘My empire is of the imagination.’ HIEROGLYPHIC INTERPRETATION. Cash will soon become illegal for all but very small transactions. To ‘know’ something intellectually and to experience it concretely are two very different things. Moon flowers. The First Book Of Time. The most eye-filling sight under the sun. DO NOT USE TOO LONG AN EXPOSURE. Stan Brackhage: Dog Star Man. ‘The totality of consciousness, the reality continuum of the living present.’ College student reading mathematical formulae. Things you should remember. Psychology Made Simple. Hoaxes. Hallucinations. Artificial satellites. Mirages. Beyond the senses are the objects, beyond the objects is the mind, beyond the mind is the intellect, beyond the intellect is the great Atman. Bright meteors. THE WORD SET FREE. THE COLLAPSE OF CULTURAL HIERARCHY. The Continuum Encyclopedia Of Symbols. What Jung believed about UFOs. The Space Age’Science Fact and Science Fiction. Visiting the East China Sea Fleet. THERE IS A GAP BETWEEN IDEA AND IMAGE. THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. FROM UNKNOWN WORLDS. FANTASY. Reality. REALITY. An Anthology of Modern Fantasy for Grownups. More Brilliant than Diamonds. BRIDGE THE GAP. Starfish. GODS FROM OUTER SPACE. Power. This Way. Volume. CAUTION: INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM. Colors may bleed when wet. The Inner Sleeve. AR. The Ancients Called It COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. A WHOLESOME LIFE IN THE BEST OF TASTE. July 1973. The Invisible College. Deluxe Revolving Police Style Warning Light. Terribly scary—but no danger—just fun excitement! HOLOGRAPHIC SCENE SETTER. The vision of P-Funk is clearly oriented toward uplift—of the individual, of black people, and of all people. THE PSYCHIC WORLD. SKY-RIDER OF THE SPACEWAYS. An entire campaign dedicated to the subliminal. Increasing your perception. The Now Generation. What is the secret of its strange power? The Resolution of a Lens on Film. Tru-Vue FILM CARD. Pats. Pending. How The Subconscious Affects Our Purchases. Where the past and present are as one. Background. Middleground. Foreground. INSERT IN VIEWER. Fooled Again. THE BOOK OF MARS. Part of a halftone enlarged to show the dot formation. Slumberland. Funny pictures for you to color. PROJECT BLUE BOOK 1 MARCH 1967. Figure/Ground. XPOSED! UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! Your class hears the letters from your records—sees the letters on the charts. I EXAMINED A LIVE SPACE ALIEN. What Separates Psychic Experience From Mental Disorder? Dendrites. Cell body. NO MESSAGE. With Six Other Witnesses. 40,000 YEARS AGO! NATURE’S ONLY RIVAL. Give your audience a strong reason to buy . . . fast! ESCAPE FROM ANY PAIR OF HANDCUFFS. Things To Come. THE GOD SIVA IN BRONZE. Legibility. The Closure Factor. The message arranged in 3 lines. Were The Ancient Astronauts Mistaken For Gods? WE ARE NOT ALONE. Led Zeppelin III. Superfly Presents STEREOLAB. Glyph. SPACE CRAFT CONVENTION. THE MARCH OF TIME. Aerial view of Stonehenge. THE ARROW OF LIGHT AWARD. Illusion or Reality? The glass bead game: the music of the spheres. Blow your mind. The only limitation is your own imagination. Design Variation. Signal Generator. AR. Radio Frequency. The white ball automatically rolled over from his palm to the top of his hand. THE EFFECT OF SUGGESTION ON BEHAVIOR. How A Snowflake Is Formed. THROUGH THE AGES. AR. Your Guide To Mental Pictures. Many type styles. Silver On Blue. UFOLOGY. FREE BOOKLET. Fig. 18. Over the brink of reason lies the strange world of THE MOST SENSATIONAL EXPOSE OF THE FREAK SIDE OF LIFE. Bend just until internal glass breaks. Shake well to mix chemicals. Fluctuations of Perception. WHITE GOODS. LADIES CLOAKS. The True Yoga. CAVE DRAWINGS OF STRANGE BEINGS IN SPACE SUITS. Unsolved. Stereographic Projections. Sunshine all year ’round. AR. ATARI. Futurism, which is only an accelerated sort of impressionism. RAZOR BLADE IN PYRAMID. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS. NOW . . . new, short, easy way to profit enormously from your inner mindpower. Reusable. Recycled. Recyclable. Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. We believe whatever we want to believe. Demosthenes, 348 B.C. CAMOUFLAGE.

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