A Metamorphosis for the Eighties

“‘What’s with these titles? “Dance of the Insecure”? “To the Mall”?
“Threnody Jones and the Goat from Below”? “The Enema Bandit and the
Cosmic Buzzer”? “Love”? “A Metamorphosis for the Eighties”?’
    ‘That last one is actually rather interesting. A
Kafka parody, though sensitively done.
Self-loathing-in-the-midst-of-adulation piece. Collegiate, but
    ‘ “As Greg Sampson awoke one morning from uneasy
dreams he discovered that he had been transformed into a rock star. He
gazed down at his red, as it were leather-clad, chest, the top of which
was sprinkled with sequins and covered with a Fender guitar strapped
tightly across his leather shoulders. It was no dream.” Hmmm.’”

—David Foster Wallace, The Broom of the System, 1987.

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