Space: The Lost Atlantis

SpaceTheLostAtlantis3x500.jpgHey kids, get out your red and blue anaglyph 3-D glasses for this fresh and novel illusionary experience: a stereo collage from visionary artist and reluctant earthling Paul Dean! Of course, stereo illusions are nothing new, and even this collage is several years old. I made it in 2004 or 2005, at the tail end of the intensely personal creative exploraganza that I call my Alien Radio phase. (If you listen very very carefully, you can almost hear the aliens singing.)
    Anyway, this piece seemed so nearly finished that I thought what the heck! I tweaked the color a bit, (ok, I tweaked it a lot), I cropped it, and I am hereby revealing to the world a little something I call Space: The Lost Atlantis.

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