The 2007 Periodic Table Printmaking Project


Darmstadtium, by Natalia Moroz, from The 2007 Periodic Table Printmaking Project. As project coordinator  Azure Grackle (a.k.a. Jennifer Schmitt) describes it, “Ninety-six printmakers of all experience levels, have joined together
to produce 118 prints in any medium; woodcut, linocut, monotype,
etching, lithograph, silkscreen, or any combination. The end result is
a periodic table of elements intended to promote both science and the
arts.” My favorite elements—so far—are Aluminum, by Ellen Brooks, Iron, by Steffan Ziegler, Lead, by Hannah Berman, and of course Ununbium, by Carol Myers.
    More information and an interview with Azure are available in this article at Etsy:
Art and Science Converge: The Periodic Table Printmaking Project.

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