an inseparable couple

“With the conception of Agni, the divine fire, we are very close to the core of the doctrine [of the Vedas] and its esoteric, transcendent foundation. In fact, Agni is the cosmic agent, the principle of the universe, par excellence. ‘It is not only the terrestrial fire of lightning and the sun. Its true domain is the unseen, mystical heaven, temporary dwelling-place of the eternal light and of the first principles of all things. . . . Agni is the eldest of the gods, ruler in heaven as well as on earth, and he officiated in the abode of Vivasvat (they sky or sun) long before Matharicva (the lightning) brought him to mortals. . . . Master and generator of the sacrifice, Agni becomes the bearer of all mystical speculations of which sacrifice is the purpose. He engenders the gods, he organizes the world, he produces and preserves universal life; in short, he is cosmogonic power.

Soma is the teardrop of Agni. In reality it is the drink of a fermented plant poured as a libation to the gods during the sacrifice. But, like Agni, it has a mystical existence. Its supreme abode is in the depths of the third heaven where Surya, daughter of the sun, filtered it, and where Pushan, food-giving god, bound it. It is from there that the Falcon, a symbol of lightning, or Agni himself went and snatched it . . . and brought it to men. The gods drank it and became immortal; men also will become immortal when they drink it in the home of Yama, dwelling-place of the happy. In the meantime, here below it gives them vigor and fullness of life. . . . It nourishes, permeates plants, invigorates the semen of animals, inspires the poet and provides wings for prayer. Soul of heaven and earth, . . . with Agni, it forms an inseparable couple; this couple that lighted the sun and stars.’”

Edouard Schur’, quoting heavily from the Vedas, I think, in The Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions, translated from the French by Gloria Rasberry, 1961.

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