Barney Bubbles

Gorman_reasons-to-be-cheerful.jpgI had never seen or heard his name until I saw this thumbnail sized picture of Reasons to be Cheerful: The Life and Work of Barny Bubbles at DesignObserver. But as a young punk rock slash new waver in the late 1970s, I knew his work. I admired it all the way into a career in graphic design slash graphic design pedagogy. And yet I never knew his name. That’s not surprising, though. By the end of his career Barney worked anonymously or pseudonymously (that is to say, with a credit that was at least cryptic). Finally, through the book and by way of friends and fans, his story is being told. I haven’t read or seen the book yet, but I’ve been snooping around the internet . . . and these are a few of my favorite online Barney Bubbles information resources:





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