braided in your eyelashes

“You push the door open: you don’t expect any of them to be latched, you know thay all open at a push. The scattered lights are braided in your eyelashes, as if you were seeing them through a silken net. All you can make out are the dozens of flickering lights. At last you can see that they’re votive lights, all set on brackets or hung between unevenly spaced panels. They cast a faint glow on the silver objects, the crystal flasks, the gilt-framed mirrors. Then you see the bed in the shadows beyond, and the feeble movement of a hand that seems to be beckoning you.”

Carlos Fuentes, Aura, 1965.

2 thoughts on “braided in your eyelashes

  1. djmisc

    Thank you Pat. I did not know there was so much really weird music out there. You might be interested to know that now has a music ONLY section that I recommend for music junkies like ourselves. . . .

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