digital publishing

“Five hundred years ago, when books were first introduced, they were greeted with the same level of skepticism that digital reading is facing today. Gutenberg’s bibles, as much as we revere them now, were not welcomed with open arms or eager hands.
    ‘Medieval clerics greeted printed books as imposters of illuminated manuscripts—aesthetically inferior, textually unreliable and likely to breed a dangerous diversity of opinion,’ wrote Jacob Weisberg in The New York Times in 2000. ‘The echo of such views is heard today in an equally misguided elite’s hostility toward digital publishing.’”

—Jeff Gomez, Print is Dead; Books in Our Digital Age, 2008.

One thought on “digital publishing

  1. Erin

    Hello, Paul Dean, how are ya? I was a student in your first few years at LSU. I see you’re still out there spreading the love. Very cool.

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