shrieking and blaspheming colors

“The twins were wet and tired, and they proceeded to undress without
any preliminary remarks. The abundance of sleeve made the
partnership-coat hard to get off, for it was like skinning a tarantula;
but it came at last, after much tugging and perspiring. The mutual vest
followed. Then the brothers stood up before the glass, and each took
off his own cravat and collar. . . . Each cravat, as to color, was in
perfect taste, so far as its owner’s complexion was concerned—a
delicate pink, in the case of the blonde brother, a violent scarlet in
the case of the brunette—but as a combination they broke all the laws
of taste known to civilization. Nothing more fiendish and
irreconcilable than those shrieking and blaspheming colors could have
been contrived.”

—Mark Twain, Those Extraordinary Twins, 1894.

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