the big yellow smiley face

“Everywhere we look, we see the big yellow smiley face. Everywhere we listen, we hear ‘Have a nice day.’”

—Eric G. Wilson, Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy, 2008.

One thought on “the big yellow smiley face

  1. Craig

    There is something very uncanny about the yellow smiley face, in that yellow is so associated with sickness and aging. It’s an in-your-face reminder of mortality (and therefore a companion to the white-faced circus clown whose frozen grimace invites us to the underworld). I did a search for the phrase “yellow smile,” and I came across such adjectives as “ghastly,” “sickly,” “weary,” “mocking,” “devilish,” “jaundiced,” “angry,” and “savage.”

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