“A blue sky and the sun on the wall. The nurse had raised me to see the
new day. I lay there, feeling the sky, and myself one with the sky,
feeling the sun and myself one with the sun, and abandoning myself to
the immensity and to God. God penetrated my whole body. I trembled and
shivered with an immense joy. Cold, and fever and light, an
illumination, a visitation, through the whole body, the shiver of a
presence. The light and the sky in the body, God in the body and I
melting into God. I melted into God. No image, I felt space, gold,
purity, ecstasy, immensity, a profound ineluctable communion. I wept
with joy.”
—Anais Nin, The Diary of Anais Nin, Volume One, 1931-1934, 1966.