You don’t have to open your eyes

“‘Dad’s in the breezeway washing the car. Meanwhile way out here they
were putting troops in trenches for nuclear war games. Fireballs
roaring right above them.’
    ‘Positioned too close, you mean.’
    ‘That’s the story I hear. You look at your arm and
see right through it. Basically your arm becomes an x ray of your arm.
You can see right through the uniform cloth and the skin. The light’s
so white. You can see blood, bones and what not. But that’s not all.
You can see all this with your eyes shut. You don’t have to open your
eyes. You see right through the lids. Ha!’”

—Don DeLillo, Underworld, 1997.

One thought on “You don’t have to open your eyes

  1. jimmy

    I was in a para.military org. around 1962 (?) missle crisis time.. when
    we were studying ‘tactics’ for a euro.groundwar using tactical nuclear
    bombs to take out commmie tank.blitzkrieg..
    and I thought :: whoa.. can they be real ?
    and now all this time later ::
    30% of people here believe that we are approaching End Time.. religious world end. Dumb fucks.
    and 30% fear nuclear power as ‘low carbon alternative energy’ because it’ll mean The End of the World. Ignoramo fucks.
    I was in a motel this morning and CNBC came on with the market numbers reports and the sound track was ‘THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT’.
    I gotta laugh.

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